Hello Henry,
I attended your presentation this morning in Rockport and found it (and) you incredibly informative, thorough and concise. I've attended many types of presentations over the years (as have we all) and don't think I've ever received so many practical strategies, stimulating tips and incredible resources within a one hour time span!
Christine Callahan
Rockport, MA
Your presentation on Autobiography and Memoir writing at the Holmes Library in Halifax today was extremely rewarding. I’m sure all of those present found your advice as invaluable I did. You are most generous to share your expertise in this field with those of us who are feeling our way in this medium.
Faye George
Bridgewater, MA
Mr. Quinlan:
Many thanks for your very helpful talk on publishing at the Jenks yesterday! I had thought that if one went into self-publishing one completely cut off the possibilities of a book being picked up later by a major publisher, and your correction of my erroneous belief made my day. Thank you!
David Wilson
Winchester, MA
Dear Henry,
I was completely "lit up" after your presentation yesterday. You have to know that I signed up for your talk the minute I saw it in the Hanover Senior Center Newsletter which only arrived Monday but wondered if it would be for me since I am not writing a memoir. Happily, I walked away with so many nuggets and suggestions. Better still, I have been steered away from agonizing over the publishing house process to going the route of self publishing.
What impressed me most yesterday was your ability to synthesize the process of getting one's words into print and on to Amazon in a mere 50 minutes - and to do so with fun and memorable stories!!
I began immediately to work on the paragraph you asked me to send you re: the stories of parents of my students with Down syndrome. Thank you for your encouragement on this project and for thinking that it might be helped along by Crowd Funding or Kick starter or even Indie gogo....(not sure I wrote those down correctly!!) I will get that to you soon. Again, so appreciative that you added the flame necessary to finish this work. Would you be so kind as to send me a copy of your power point for future reference?
Thank you
Anne Tucker Roberts
Today you were the first speaker here who received applause in a long, long time. Good job.
Robin Middleton
Director Senior Center
Hanover, MA
I really enjoyed your presentation today in Rockport. You have a very comfortable way about you.
Courtney Rapp
Rockport, MA
Dear Henry:
Thank you for your nice presentation on Writing a Memoir. Lots of good tips and very inspiring.
Gail Garvin
Dorchester, MA
Hi Henry!
Thanks for inviting me yesterday. I enjoyed your presentation. I think you offered some wonderful tips! I was the one in pink asking all of the questions. I have just about completed my “manuscript”. I’m re-reading to be sure I haven’t offended anyone as you said yesterday. I am fortunate to have a friend that is a proofreader by trade and she has proofed the book for me.
I know what I want as a cover. It’s possible for me to create it and take a photo, but it wouldn’t be simple. Can you tell me where I can go to find free clip art? I don’t want to infringe on anything and I’ve heard from people that sometime there are things imbedded in photos to track if someone uses them.
Joyce Kaye
Mashpee, MA
Dear Henry,
Thank you for your very thoughtful and informative presentation. I’m excited to start this process. Now I have a roadmap to start the journey! Looking forward to receiving the materials. You are full of many stories...you were very engaged, well spoken and kept a nice pace!
Thanks again!
Andreatta Griffin Easton, MA