Tips that Prove – It is Never Too late!
Creativity is the ability of a person to create, perform, or think of something in a way that it has not been done before by anyone. But you do not have to be creative with a capital "C" to keep your brain healthy and vital.
There are many forms of creativity. Authoring a silly poem to celebrate a friend's birthday; coming up with a new variation on an old family recipe, are examples of small “c” creativity that is important for all seniors.
Every example of creativity is a way to express yourself and allow yourself to exert a bit of free-wheeling thinking and doing. McFadden and Basting talk about "creative engagement" and suggest that it is a wonderful way to enlist the parts of your brain that can benefit from mental exercise.
Creativity benefits both the body and the mind in ways that are beneficial to seniors. Those benefits are easily within reach for most seniors.
The presentation sets forth, The techniques to exercise your creativity and to master the major blocks to creativity so that you gain full benefit to the results of being creative.
Attendees at this presentation will learn to be an age buster not busted by age.
“After more than 50 years in the publishing business I have witnessed all kinds of creativity both large and small and I am convinced creativity is within all of us. I can demonstrate it.” Henry Quinlan
Presentation by Henry Quinlan
Learn to be an “Age Buster” not “Busted by Age.”