Henry M. Quinlan’s presentation, “Building a Retirement Life that has Meaning and Purpose for You,” explores non-financial retirement issues that are unavoidable and a failure to address often prevents seniors from experiencing a meaningful and rewarding senior years. These retirement issues apply to seniors whether they are working full time, part-time or not working.
99% of retirement information focuses on financial issues, and this focus leaves many unprepared to face the challenges that arise in the later years.
Too many retirees fail to foresee or plan for the many changes that will take place in their lives. As a result, many are blindsided by the unexpected emotional turmoil. These include loss of identity, loneliness, and boredom. The beginning takes place when they are confronted with the challenge of filling 200 hours a month that had been previously devoted to work and the related transportation time. Added to this challenge are changes of identity, marriage, eating, sleeping, and more. It is easy to understand how overwhelming those challenges are, and it is a reason many people retreat to the familiar in retirement, rather than living a new rewarding life. There is comfort in the familiar, but it is deceiving – it can sometimes lead to physical and mental issues and a life of isolation.
The presentation is filled with examples of men and women who created meaningful lives for themselves.